17 Februari 2009

Liberty State Park

On the New York Harbor, less than 2,000 feet from the Statue of Liberty, Liberty State Park has served a vital role in the development of New Jersey's metropolitan region and the history of the nation.
During the 19th and early 20th centuries the area that is now Liberty State Park was a major waterfront industrial area with an extensive freight and passenger transportation network. This network became the lifeline of New York City and the harbor area. The heart of this transportation network was the Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal (CRRNJ), located in the northern portion of the park. The CRRNJ Terminal stands with the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island to unfold one of this nation's most dramatic stories: the immigration of northern, southern, and eastern Europeans into the United States. After being greeted by the Statue of Liberty and processed at Ellis Island, these immigrants purchased tickets and boarded trains, at the CRRNJ Terminal, that took them to their new homes throughout the United States. The Terminal served these immigrants as the gateway to the realization of their hopes and dreams of a new life in America.
Today, Liberty State Park continues to serve a vital role in the New York Harbor area. As the railroads and industry declined, the land was abandoned and became a desolate dump site. With the development of Liberty State Park came a renaissance of the waterfront. Land with decaying buildings, overgrown tracks and piles of debris was transformed into a modern urban state park. The park was formerly opened on Flag Day, June 14, 1976, as New Jersey's bicentennial gift to the nation. Most of this 1,122 acre park is open space with approximately 300 acres developed for public recreation.

Krisis Ekonomi Global

Amerika sekarang ini sedang mengalami krisis keuangan. Dan dampaknya? dapat kita lihat sendiri di sekitar kita.
Dollar yang dahulu masih berada diangka 8000an, sekarang sudah merosot tajam diangka 10 rb. Sungguh luar biasa dampaknya.
Jika sudah begini, dan didiamkan terus, maka, jangan heran, jika kemiskinan dinegara kita ini akan semakin banyak. Dahulu aja, zaman udah susah, apalagi ditambah sekarang ini. Sungguh, beban akan semakin berat.
Namun, untuk para blogger, hal ini akan menjadi dua sisi. Disatu sisi, para blogger yang mendapat penghasilan dari internet, jelas akan sorak gembira, karena rate paypal juga ikut melonjak (kemaren, sudah diangka 9.700). Jelas, ini akan menambah sisi penghasilan mereka didalam bentuk rupiah.
Namun, mereka juga tak bisa bergembira, karena, walau pendapatan naik, tetap saja, seluruh harga jelas akan naik dengan adanya dampak krisis ekonomi global ini. Lantas bagaimana untuk mengatasi krisis ekonomi ini di negara ini?
Saya sendiri sangat setuju dengan saran pakde sumintar atas usulannya membentuk komunitas blogger demi merauk dollar yang banyak untuk negara kita. Dengan penjelasan yang sangat gamblang oleh pakde, maka, usul tersebut tentu sangat layak untuk dicoba.
Lantas kalo begitu, lahan pendapatan kita akan berkurang dong? Seperti pepatah bilang, banyak jalan menuju roma। Masih banyak dollar yang bisa kita dapatkan.